He signed with Boston for $1.25 million and is now the most indispensable man in their lineup.
The government itself, right up to the highest reaches of decision making, would consider him the indispensable man.
How Washington turned himself into the indispensable (if imperfect) man.
And he never really had any progeny as indispensable men in the corridors of power.
It was not a comfortable thought that the man most indispensable to the success of their mission might also be a little insane.
A few months later he moved in, becoming her road manager and indispensable man.
"There is no such thing as an indispensable man."
These days he may also be something very like an indispensable man.
He was taking the indispensable man into his fullest confidence.
He had no mind to lose sight of the indispensable man.