It is considered an indispensable reference for both the professional and novice violin maker.
You could spend days or even weeks pulling together all the information that Eady has assembled in this one indispensable reference.
At Éditions Gallimard, Nora published in these collections that he was directing, important works which generally constitute indispensable references in their fields of research, in particular:
Therefore, his works are considered indispensable references for many students and researchers.
But those interested in graphic design and printing will find this an indispensable reference.
Keep catalogs: they can be indispensable references on germination and plant culture.
With her energy and curiosity, Miss Hall has herself become an indispensable reference.
His textbook Histology is considered by many practitioners an indispensable reference.
Since it first appeared in 1988, JM Coetzee's first volume of criticism has emerged as an indispensable reference in the study of South African literature.
"Hortus," that indispensable reference work, allows that it will reach five feet, which is tall enough to assuage my delphinium grief.