Earlier, Sister de Vries described the invitation to compose the meditations as a "indisputable sign of a great opening to women."
But everybody expects - no, they demand - that spring arrive weeks early, and in the first days of March they begin searching for subtle yet indisputable signs that the season has changed.
But as the school year draws to a close, New York City's schools are showing indisputable signs of improvement as measured by state and local reading tests.
In the years leading up to the Great War, staff and students of CBC Perth revelled in many indisputable signs of success.
Mathematics was for Lambert not only indispensable for this quantification but also the indisputable sign of rigor.
The two Viking landers conducted life-detection experiments, but failed to detect any indisputable signs of biological activity.
Then there were paved roads, an indisputable sign of progress.
The last landings there took place in the summer of 1976, when two Viking craft conducted detailed biological studies that failed to produce any indisputable signs of life.
These are indisputable signs of a sick social structure, a society that can no longer perform even its most basic functions in the accustomed ways.
There, for all the world to see, was the indisputable sign of her calling.