The sea of indistinct faces murmured; feet shifted on the ground.
Behind them was another man, his face indistinct, and a woman, whose back was half-turned.
A tall woman, shrouded in mist, her face indistinct, held out her arms.
Bare trees were black against white, the moon an indistinct face behind fog.
His face indistinct, a kind of blank, too quick to catch.
The girl swiveled around, her face indistinct against the glare of the sun behind.
He straightened up a little and nodded his head, that indistinct face bobbing enthusiastically.
A blur of bodies and indistinct faces flashed by.
She stared at the indistinct face, and saw Gaby's bewilderment.
On each door is a bronze plaque, etched with an indistinct mask-like face.