Reaching an individual voluntary arrangement with your creditors is an alternative to bankruptcy.
Various names are given to different types of individual arrangement, but they are not fundamentally different in nature.
The situation for a worker will depend on their individual arrangements and employment contract.
An individual arrangement set up under a trust between an employer and employee to provide a top-up to the occupational pension scheme.
After that, individual arrangements can be made.
Is there to be a uniform European arrangement for this, or are we keeping to the system of individual national arrangements, as it were?
The reason for this is that the individual arrangements have a different purpose and different addressees.
It also stated that those currently eligible under objective 6 but not under objective 1 should benefit from individual arrangements.
Still, compared to the individual voluntary arrangement available for people in bankruptcy, company voluntary arrangements are rare.
The combination in any given sport was determined by individual arrangements with the federations that govern each sport.