Some individuals bear a number of adjoining small keeled scales.
More than 300 individuals bear the title of Baron or Baroness.
Without socialization, an individual would bear little resemblance to any human being defined as normal by the standards of his or her society.
But an individual who burns through his lump sum in a few years will bear the consequences of his actions.
The plant is generally monoecious, although some individuals bear only female flowers.
One problem here is the classic issue of defined-contribution pensions: individuals bear a lot of risk.
Aim is to cover the live risk of high costs the individual could not bear resulting from sickness.
"With 401(k)'s, individuals themselves bear the financial risk, and have the responsibility for a whole range of decisions on saving."
If the burden of disease (lost well-being) is included, individuals bear 76% of the costs.
I doubt that those individuals bear us any ill will.