We require the landlord to do all the building, which includes expensive cabinets with individual cubicles for children to keep their coats and books in.
This was a large circular room with five individual cubicles branching off around its perimeter.
These toilets are in individual cubicles.
He remodeled the Blackhawks' dressing room, tearing out the individual cubicles and opening it up, in order to improve communication.
There they lay, in their individual cubicles, the many-wired cylinders covering their heads.
Most of them lay on narrow shelf bunks within their individual cubicles.
It catered for 222 women, who occupied dormitories with individual cubicles and cooked for themselves in communal kitchens.
Unusually, customers eat at individual cubicles, and fill out forms requesting precisely how they want their noodles prepared.
Audiovisual Services: the library also has three individual cubicles for the use of audiovisual material, mostly containing cultural and scientific.
They went down, where they found more inscriptions, some in passageways, some on the walls of individual cubicles.