Flowing along the Homeflow they became individual dots: vampires returning in their thousands.
There was a belt of what seemed solid yellow (but which would separate into individual dots under magnification) around the central glow.
That means that, in a totally black patch of ink, there will be 300x300 (90000) individual dots.
Lines are formed of rows of individual punched dots, possibly applied with a very early metal tool.
The golden rule is to use a drawing program which builds its image from instructions rather than individual dots.
Now days, this work, composed with individual dots, might be likened to computer art made up of individual pixels.
She had tried peering at individual dots, in order to decipher the position-by-position rules of play.
The local inversion of individual dots is hard, and in some cases, nearly impossible to recognize when the entire figure is inverted.
With each photograph, an individual dot was applied to his American canvas.
Mr. Berkowitz does not do enough to explain the individual dots in his argument.