He participated only in individual drills because the Giants wanted to see how his foot responded before allowing him to rejoin team practices.
Last week, Hostetler did that, and he also threw in individual drills.
While he ran without apparent discomfort in all the individual drills during last week's practices, he never practiced with the first team.
Michael Strahan, out for three games, may begin some individual drills.
He went from full participation to working in individual drills to complete rest.
He is part of the individual drills at the passing camp now to pick up the new offensive terminology and learn the playbook.
When one morning session ended last week, players broke off into individual drills.
In between individual drills in the morning and games in the evening, players will work with the American contingent on community service projects.
Parker was running and doing individual drills in today's practice.
Parmalee did not practice and Becht participated in individual drills.