Every individual fiber has a different molecular weight because each fiber has a different number of atoms within a macroscopic sample of fibers.
The left action of the structure group on corresponds to a mere change of coordinate system on an individual fiber.
Wood on the other hand has air pockets and individual fibers that move around and absorb energy very well as sound passes.
Will they all need individual fibers and individual subscriptions to an operator or a service?
One application is to measure the spectra, including color, of trace evidence (such as individual fibers, glass fragments and paint chips) in forensics.
Various weaving patterns such as plain weave, twill weave, or sateen weave, increase or decrease the amount of space between individual fibers.
This required placing each individual fiber inside a container of soapy solution, which in turn was placed inside an ultrasound bath.
It is not until such a fiber gets relatively close to the customers that it is split into individual customer-specific fibers.
They are far too small to use as individual fibers, but some laboratories have assembled bits of "rope" made up of carbon nanotubes.
They build a snugly-fitting portable case out of food debris such as individual fibers and hairs, in which they can hide.