On the negative side, some individuals may not incur such a high cost for initiating widespread defection in subsequent games.
Overweight and obese individuals incur direct costs such as preventive, diagnostic, and treatment services related to obesity.
It must be stressed that an individual can only incur charges if they ring the service.
Wealthy individuals could incur a 1 percent to 2 percent tax liability for charitable gifts financed by withdrawals from individual retirement accounts.
An expense report is a form of document that contains all the expenses that an individual has incurred as a result of the business operation.
She became frustrated at the lack of support from her colleagues, who consistently refused or neglected to prosecute individuals responsible for the injuries she had incurred.
Last year, Mr Dilnot proposed capping the costs an individual could incur for care at £35,000, with the state stepping in to cover bills above this level.
However, if individuals would only rarely, if ever, incur such fees, then such fees would not be subject to the 2% floor.
If individuals commonly incur such expenses (and therefore would likely incur the advisory fee), then the expense was subject to the 2% floor.
Accordingly, since an individual would probably have incurred such fees (so as to invest in a prudent manner), the expense was subject to the 2% floor.