Donations raised under the old law exceeded the individual limits of the new law.
The Mayor has far more major contributors who gave as much as $3,000, the individual limit for the primary.
Underground distribution systems connect all the users to the supply, with individual current limits to each facility.
Taken together, those contributions far exceeded the individual $3,000 limit under the new law.
Her amendment would have raised the individual limit to $2,000 and the two-year aggregate limit to $65,000.
"If this were an open spigot, there would be room for evasion of the individual limits," he said.
There's not a check in here for more than a thousand dollars that's the individual legal limit.
If Mr. Bush signs the new bill, the individual limits will double, to $2,000.
The individual limit is six salmon a year, and a license is required.
Under those rules, a guarantee of a loan to a candidate is considered a contribution and is subject to a $1,000 individual limit.