The final report includes both the names of individual perpetrators and recommendations for the government moving forward.
Still, some writers have criticized the court for not clarifying whether Article 1 can provide an independent basis for exercising of universal jurisdiction against individual perpetrators of genocide.
The only message that counts arrived on Sept. 11, 2001, and it was clear enough to reverberate for the rest of our lives regardless of other diversions, national priorities or the death of any individual perpetrator.
Instead, the actions of "individual perpetrators, along with mismanagement, poor understanding and/or lack of resolve" were to blame.
But it won't identify the lab, let alone the individual perpetrator.
The identity of the individual perpetrators of the attack was not immediately known, and no group claimed responsibility.
It has been criticized for not disclosing the names of individual perpetrators of abuses and extending accountability only to those who actively carried out human rights violations.
Until the late 17th century, the English term was "plagiary"; only then did it acquire an "ism," suggesting a syndrome or habit rather than an individual perpetrator.
The role of "tertiary perpetrator" to the murder crime is extended to the family and the society where the individual perpetrator hails from.
Concrete information on the individual perpetrators and their motives is not possible in all cases.