The First Amendment, he argued, protects individual self-expression, self-realization and the communication of ideas.
Patrick T. Johnson, principal from 1965 to 1974, managed the cultural transition during these years, successfully integrating societal trends, traditional values, and individual self-expression.
Luckily there was another hit from the past whose themes of insecure minorities and group survival versus individual self-expression had withstood the temporal tides.
In this age of individual self-expression and self-realization, I think we want to believe that whatever we do is worthy of some kind of honor.
Hence there was no place in their minds for any political theory that disallowed the right of individual self-expression in politics.
Essentially, Herzen fought against Christian hypocrisy and for individual self-expression.
In 1995, Bookchin lamented the decline of American anarchism into primitivism, anti-technologism, neo-situationism, individual self-expression, and "ad hoc adventurism," at the expense of forming a social movement.
"They've been rejected as 'tourist junk,' and yet to the Tesuque people who make them, they've become a means of individual self-expression for the artist and also a symbol of village identity," he said.
For all that, the Thatcher high noon seemed to show the balance between state power and individual self-expression, in some key episodes, tilting against the individual or the dissenting minority.
Indeed, scholars of traditional haiku say that the poem's structure (generally three unrhymed lines of five, seven and five syllables, respectively) and its focus on nature encourage both individual self-expression and self-exploration.