However, foreign private individuals cannot easily open bank accounts or subscribe to mobile phone or internet service.
Subscriptions Groups and individuals who wish to receive free copies of the Consumer Information Catalog each quarter may subscribe online.
But Uncle John well knew that if every individual in the county subscribed, and the advertising patronage doubled, the income would fall far short of running expenses.
Although individuals subscribe to varying work-family ideologies, American institutions reflect a gendered division of labor that encourages women to be active in the domestic sphere and men in the workforce.
But as with Audubon's work, individuals have also subscribed.
Nearly 10,000 individuals have subscribed to the service, which publishes a weekly newsletter, "Brigada Today," as well as a lively online website.
The LDS Church actually owned the company although individuals subscribed for the stock and held it in trust for the church.
By July 2009 more than 16,000 individuals had subscribed to the service.
Corporations, individuals, analysts and intelligence agencies may also subscribe.
In legitimate (non-spam) mailing lists, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe themselves.