As he works to improve relations with this country, does he appreciate how Americans react to individual tragedies of this kind?
The individual tragedies were losing their impact; they were only samples of what the whole world was suffering.
The stories are based on a respect for these individual tragedies and disasters.
Has the Minister any understanding of the individual human tragedy of unemployment?
The mothers put their own individual tragedies in a broader context.
For one week now, the death of Elisa, has wrenched the heart of a city so often jaded by individual tragedy.
"By remembering what happened in Bosnia through a series of cinematically compelling individual tragedies, one has already lost the battle," he said.
There were a lot of individual tragedies in a metropolis the size of New York.
Every case is an individual tragedy which tears apart a community.
There are also collective explanations for this increase in individual tragedy.