An individual wishes to complain of the tribunal's findings.
Participation in group activities, whether official or unofficial, is a symbolic statement that an individual wishes to be considered part of the group.
Leisure time can be spent as an individual wishes.
Suppose a single bus stop has to be located on the street and every individual wishes to walk as little as possible to the stop.
If an individual wishes to remain in Japan after this period, it will be necessary to change the visa status.
To illustrate this, we assume that an individual wishes to better his place in society.
Privacy : The freedom to access whatever materials an individual wishes, without the knowledge or interference of others.
However, the Psammead has been buried for so long, he is no longer able to grant individual wishes.
Increased account must be taken of individual wishes concerning the country of asylum.
Physicians attempt to resuscitate all patients regardless of individual or familial wishes.