There are an estimated 3,000,000 objects in the collections but many, including more than 1,000,000 insects, do not need to be recorded on the database individually.
They were selected from over 20 hours of music that the band both collectively and individually recorded over the first three years of their career.
In early surveys, measurements were recorded individually and plotted by hand.
This list does not include material recorded by band members individually or with other side projects.
Each sound is recorded individually, and therefore subject to manipulation - which usually means turning up the volume.
The song was also individually recorded by each of the members of Blur, and given a new name.
This allows for post processing and manipulation of individually recorded drum components.
They can be duplicated quickly by a molding process, while each tape must be individually recorded.
It enables assets to be individually recorded as part of a fixed asset inventory control system.
Each customer can differ in their sample requirements which are all itemised and individually recorded.