Then she had made her answer, stressing it with the force of her indomitable personality.
"Meg was 23 years old at the time, which meant she was way outside the normal boundaries of survival, with the most undaunted, indomitable personality you can imagine - and with a sailor's mouth."
She is a complex mix of Mahad's indomitable personality and Lena's exceptional powers.
Director COHEN-Alexander H. The Gabriel Katzka family mourns the loss of the most audacious and indomitable personality the theatrical community will ever know.
Admiration for this indomitable personality replaced the last trace of F'lar's anger.
But who could have expected that this indomitable personality and brilliant musician, having reached what he seems to regard as the pinnacle of his long career, would simply abdicate any leadership role, civic or artistic, for himself and for the orchestra in New York musical life?
Her big brain told her that she was going to get through life safely and amusingly inside a sort of electromagnetic bubble created by her father's indomitable personality, which would continue to protect her even after he died - even after it came to be his turn to enter the blue tunnel into the Afterlife.
His warmth and indomitable personality, together with his rise from humble roots, gave him a popularity far beyond his sport's normal boundaries.
The grim determination with which Peter the Great restored the army after the disaster at Narva (1700), and risked all in the decisive battle against the Swedes at Poltava (1709), reflected in large measure his own indomitable, exuberant, ruthless personality.