The general architectural style did not change much from more martial times, but the furnishings and indoor arrangements could be quite lavish.
Those who like to cut flowers for indoor arrangements find both a delight.
And keep cutting those shasta daisies, coreopsis, purple coneflowers, zinnias and black-eyed Susans for indoor arrangements.
My attitude changed in this fall's lushness, however, and in a moment of what some might consider reckless abandon, I cut three stalks for a striking indoor arrangement.
Some of the more imposing alliums or ornamental onions, like A. christophii, leave behind globes of starry seed clusters up to 10 inches across, which can be dried for indoor arrangements.
The church was once the object of pilgrimages and attracted so many worshippers, who came to witness a particularly revered painting, that the church's indoor arrangements proved insufficient: this novel solution allowed teams of priests to hear the confessions of pilgrims out in the open.
The view this time was not as good-lily pads in the water that bordered and crisscrossed the dining area-but it was still quite nice for an indoor arrangement.
In the early days of this century, indoor floral arrangements were usually left to either a favorite caterer or a local nursery.
If my yard were bigger, I would plant a thornless variety, Winter King (a C. Viridis cultivar), so that I could easily borrow a branch or two for an indoor arrangement.