February 1916 - Plans were announced to construct the Pacific Coast's first indoor ice skating rink in the Alexandria ballroom.
For 15 days, all of us on the Nancy-Tonya-Oksana-Katarina watch had seen only indoor ice.
Bishop's College School is home to Canada's oldest indoor ice hockey rink.
Since then, the sport has undergone two significant advancements: the standardization of the curling stone and indoor, refrigerated ice.
But as it -turns out, varying the characteristics of indoor ice just a little bit can make the difference between a gold-medal performance and an embarrassing spill.
If you'd like to climb an icy peak but aren't experienced enough to do it, you can always practice in an indoor ice climbing facility.
It is an indoor, artificial ice, rink, located 690 metres (2,264 feet) above sea level and has a capacity of 10,000 people.
-Snow makers can be a skier's best friend, but they're also valuable to indoor ice climbing facilities.
The 1980s saw a third technological breakthrough in the form of the indoor 400 m rink, though the first major races were not on indoor ice before 1987.
The new facility features indoor and outdoor climbing walls, including an indoor ice climbing wall.