Much like the previous Elevation Tour, the indoor portion of the Vertigo Tour featured a stripped-down, intimate stage design.
The indoor portion has an open tub with a glassed shower on a slate floor.
Escape from Pompeii - A shoot-the-chutes boat ride featuring an extensive indoor portion within the city of Pompeii, featuring fire and water effects.
Before the logs enter the indoor portion, snoring is heard emanating from Brer Bear's cave.
When they had ordered, and the waiter had hurried back to the warmth of the indoor portion of the restaurant, Vivien began to speak.
It is a two-level attraction, with portions indoor and outdoor, themed as a prison.
The indoor portion of the Ordnance Museum contains a large collection of firearms, shells, hand grenades, cartridges, and educational displays.
After two weeks' observation in the indoor portion of her home she was finally moved to the external pool where she could be visited by the public.
Suddenly, the floor beneath the elves gives way and the train free-falls one story before exiting the indoor portion and going through more twists and turns before going back to the station.
Pops just liked the indoor portion of the battle, and he often stood up and hollered out his bets, and I did the running with the money as I described.