Nozick asked us to imagine that "superduper neuropsychologists" have figured out a way to stimulate a person's brain to induce pleasurable experiences.
Such houses are essentially 'hatcheries for ghosts', inducing dream-like experiences which originate in the subconscious mind of the witness, but are perceived as external 'real' events.
She sought to endow individual sufferers with the means to deal with their own sicknesses, by inducing sensory experiences of touch and sound that might be somehow restorative.
It seemed to be a legitimate paper that described how a team of scientists had induced classic near-death experiences in some subjects using IV ketamine.
Lee Vachss, contract trigger employed by Cohen, was working a religious racket--selling patent medicines guaranteed to induce mystical experiences.
In the Judeo-Christian mystical tradition, the desert is known to induce religious experiences and altered states of consciousness.
Followers of Montanus, called Montanists, induced ecstatic experiences out of which they would prophesy.
Karlstrom knew that she could induce hallucinatory experiences, and might begin to wonder why she did not use this new power to free herself.
Plants may be used to induce spiritual experiences for rites of passage, such as vision quests in some Native American cultures.
In some religions the faithful follow procedures designed to induce experiences of intensification.