In other words, suing someone you think is inducing infringement on a large scale.
The reason for the difference is that, unlike (or in addition to) mere linking and framing, streaming and downloading often involve making infringing copies of the works in question, or else the organizations running such Web sites may become vicariously liable for infringement by actively inducing infringement by others.
"Some people are saying that as long as I don't actively induce infringement, I'm O.K.," he said.
Finally, in 2011, the Supreme Court of Japan upheld the acquittal, holding that Kaneko did not intentionally induce infringement and was therefore not responsible for the users' unlawful actions.
The court held that producers of technology could be held liable for intent to induce infringement.
(b) Whoever actively induces infringement of a patent shall be liable as an infringer.
On the other hand, the justices seemed troubled at the prospect of ruling that Grokster's alleged business model of actively inducing infringement and then reaping the commercial benefits was shielded from liability.
Specifically, Ecolab contended the district court should have granted JMOL that Ecolab did not infringe the '676 patent claims and that FMC induced infringement of Ecolab's patent claims.
The defense further contended that since only those 104 works had been proven to be directly infringed, they shouldn't be held liable for inducing infringement of any other works.
Either way, the judge concluded that P10 hadn't provided sufficient evidence to rule that Rapidshare was infringing, nor that they were inducing infringement.