The plate could serve as a paddle for inducing or detecting fluid motion in microfluidic applications.
Electrokinetic effects are initiated by sound waves (typically P-waves) passing through a porous rock inducing relative motion of the rock matrix and fluid.
An electrostatic fluid accelerator propels airflow by inducing motion in airborne charged particles.
Distributed mode loudspeakers function differently than most others, which typically produce sound by inducing pistonic motion in the diaphragm.
The openings in the frame allow wind to pass through, inducing less motion in the instrument.
Although the term "molecular motor" has traditionally referred to a naturally occurring protein that induces motion (via protein dynamics), some groups also use the term when referring to non-biological, non-peptide synthetic motors.
Increasing the temperature induces molecular motion resulting in the typical rubber-elastic properties.
As it relied on passive components, it was not entirely successful, and the lack of damping produced a sea-sickness inducing rolling motion that doomed the experiment.
The wires that connect the seeker with the rest of the missile are carefully designed to avoid inducing motion or drag on the seeker platform.
A seismogram is a record of an earthquake induced motion at a measuring station as a function of time.