However he was induced by the Soviet Union through the occasion of a prisoner exchange.
He could still see that movement in his mind, could feel the terror it induced rush through him like the touch of hot metal.
Aftereffects induced through one eye can be measured through the other.
This occurs naturally in the spring but can be induced earlier through artificial lighting and heating.
"The electrodes just fit against your scalps and induce the dream through the bone."
Teldin sat up straight at the words, inducing a wave of pain through his stiff shoulders.
In the other, the body was induced through the use of growth factors to strengthen vessels or grow new vessels.
However if symmetry or normality are desired, they can often be induced through one of the power transformations.
Moore alleges that the Bush administration induced a climate of fear among the American population through the mass media.
The greatest earthquake in Australia's history is also claimed to be induced by humanity, through coal mining.