Clinton administration officials said they doubted that the increased payments would induce any health maintenance organizations to enter or rejoin the Medicare program.
The bill offers billions of dollars in federal subsidies to private health plans to induce them to enter Medicare markets around the country.
Still, I do wish we could induce you to enter.
What was the compensation to the related party to induce it to enter into such transactions?
The committee cannot mandate compulsory treatment, although its orientation is to induce addicts to enter and remain in treatment.
Neal also induced Mary to enter into the contract through a misrepresentation (a tort).
He reputedly declined tempting offers were made him by the emperor to induce him to enter his service.
It needed a strong confidence in this assurance to induce them to enter, and what they saw inside did not diminish their apprehension and alarm.
"How were the victims induced to enter the vans?"
The trade deficit induced Buffett to enter the foreign currency market for the first time in 2002.