Many techniques that induced tolerance in mice failed in people.
Still, all these drugs would induce tolerance only if the immune system somehow re-educated itself not to attack these same targets again.
I now appreciate an attribute of stimulants that researchers have long understood: their ability to induce tolerance.
We are trying to induce tolerance to a transplanted pig organ.
Midazolam infusions may induce tolerance and a withdrawal syndrome in a matter of days.
Many of these stimulants have therapeutic use and abuse potential, can induce tolerance, and possibly physical dependence.
So instead of inducing immunity they induce tolerance.
The use of clonazepam in long term treatment is inhibited by its ability to induce tolerance to the anticonvulsant effects.
It may also explain the success of some transplants given early in life and the failure to induce tolerance in other studies.
The antibodies may exert a physical effect on the T cells, changing them in subtle ways that induce immune tolerance, he said.