It was not only about showing industrial advancements but at the same time it show the world to visitors of Berlin.
This industrial advancement also improved the quality of life, and Jablonec's appearance changed dramatically.
Amshuverma gave equal importance to industrial advancement and agricultural prosperity.
Very often, in scientific discovery or industrial advancements, similar ideas are developed in different parts of the world as the result of completely independent research.
With the dawn of Independence, the need for establishing a sound technological basis for industrial advancement of the country was realised.
Palchinsky believed that the obstacles to the Russia's industrial advancement were not technological, but political, social, and educational.
Numerous books have been published in relation to cybernetics theory which explore alternative concepts and models of feedback, human/machine relationships, systems science, and industrial advancement.
The region's vast industrial advancement in a short period of time has raised environmentalist concerns.
Democracy entered the Chinese consciousness because it was the government of the West, potentially responsible for its industrial, economic and military advancements.
Along with scientific and industrial advancement, medicine increased apace -aspirin began being produced in 1897.