The industrial facilities in Apastovo include an industrial bakery and a brick factory.
This technology is mainly used in industrial production machines for (semi) industrial bakeries and the food industry.
Like every other district of Saint Petersburg in the Soviet times, the island has had its own industrial bakery (Rus.
It's an industrial bakery.
My first real job was in a big, industrial bakery.
Everyday bread is mostly made by industrial bakeries or at the local bakery.
In Sweden, during the transition to a modern urban and industrialised society in the 19th century, bread types changed when large industrial bakeries introduced new soft bread.
All are marketed both industrial and artisan bakeries in different cities.
The area is mainly residential although there is a large industrial bakery in Belmont Road.
Feeling lucky to have landed a job in an industrial bakery, she said: "If we show even the slightest bad attitude, employers will say, 'We don't need you.'