To help build a larger and more integrated research group of economists at Oxford who are active in the area of industrial economics.
The school is among the few in China having three nationally-designated key research disciplines: general management, industrial economics, and accounting.
Today the theory involves organizational learning, industrial economics, the resource-based view of the firm and dynamic capabilities.
We want to see such wastes dealt with to the highest possible standards in ways that are consistent with industrial economics.
Afterwards she stayed on at the university as first an instructor, then as a senior associate in the department of industrial economics.
Pat Devine is a radical economist concerned mainly with industrial economics and comparative economic systems.
His education included a year at Oxford University, and he plans to return there this month to begin studies for a doctorate in industrial economics.
Besides teaching, he also worked as a consultant on industrial economics, military procurement and higher education.
His main research interests continue to be in public choice and industrial economics.
During this time, industrial economics focused on industry characteristics, treated the differences among firms in an industry as trivial.