The city's small-scale and medium-scale industrial units are located in the industrial enclaves of Chinhat, Aishbagh, Talkatora and Amousi.
The outskirts of the city came drifting out of the haze, dozens of satellite communities that anchored vast corporate farms or sustained industrial enclaves.
The centers of their civilization are called Matons, once-elegant cities heavily developed into bland and utilitarian military and industrial enclaves.
Mr. Jackson's best chance for a strong showing appears to lie in the First Congressional District, an industrial enclave along Lake Michigan, directly adjacent to Chicago.
This former industrial enclave is a warren of artsy and craftsy shops and studios that is perfect for a stroll.
As important as the factory was, it was always an industrial, fenced-in enclave with minimal contact to the community and we saw a wonderful opportunity to change that.
Another potent source of discontent comes from the middle-class communities and industrial enclaves in the state surrounding the capital.
Their successes and failures have resonance far beyond their own small industrial enclave 75 miles southwest of Pittsburgh where men mix chemicals and bend metal between the dark brown river and the dark green hills.
Yet the mill, which once made pillowcases and closed in part because of competition from imports, casts a shadow over the heated race for Congress in this once booming industrial enclave of North Carolina.
However, with the implementation of CALABARZON growth area, the municipality of Carmona has slowly become an industrial enclave in the province.