Today, the collection - one of the largest in the world - fills more than a dozen industrial freezers.
The low-ceilinged bar is actually an industrial freezer, kept at 28 degrees and disguised as an ice cave with eight seats.
The U.S.S.R. market is huge for industrial freezers.
Refrigeration has many applications, including, but not limited to: household refrigerators, industrial freezers, cryogenics, and air conditioning.
Barry successfully negotiated his release, but the brothers exacted further revenge by locking Barry in an industrial freezer on Christmas Day 1990.
A slicer distributes exactly four pepperonis on each piece before it enters an industrial freezer, where it remains for an hour.
In 1964, when the Poritzkys bought their first industrial freezer, they were able to add french fries to their list.
His pre-war works range from seaside resorts to industrial freezers, although his actual personal input to each project, with a few exceptions, is not clear.
To that end, the body was moved to an industrial freezer where members of the public were permitted to view it as confirmation.
Crawling into the light, I see that we're in the back corner of the kitchen-in a small room by the banks of industrial freezers.