In order to encourage industrial mobilization an award was created to encourage production of war time materials.
By contrast to the industrial mobilization for World War II, which pulled the nation out of the Great Depression, this conflict is backed by a well-stocked military inventory.
And with the idea of industrial mobilization given credence again, the Pentagon is struggling to come up with new plans for all critical minerals.
As the United States found itself increasingly involved in Vietnam, ICAF shifted to educating leaders to manage logistical resources in such conflicts, as opposed to focusing on national industrial mobilization.
Franklin D. Roosevelt brought business leaders into policy-making positions and set up boards that developed manpower policy, controlled distribution of resources and worked with business and labor to bring about an enormous industrial mobilization.
Ultimately, the goal was to do long-range and continuous planning to prepare the United States for adequate industrial and economic mobilization.
The Army Industrial College was founded at McNair in 1924 to prepare officers for high level posts in Army supply organizations, and to study industrial mobilization.
But there is no prospect of any big industrial mobilization to create jobs.
The economy doubled and tripled in size as a massive industrial mobilization was accompanied by artificial wage and price controls.
Robert R. Nathan, an economist who helped lead the nation's industrial mobilization in World War II, died on Sept. 4 at a group home in Bethesda, Md.