Early in May, we received an old Irishwoman into our service, who for four years proved a most faithful and industrious creature.
Moreover, these industrious little creatures had devoured the beast itself.
Abeil are industrious and expansionistic creatures with a complex social structure.
Women are such industrious creatures!
JERVIS: Why, she is one of the most virtuous and industrious young creatures I ever knew.
Why, that I should be very glad to have it, that I should do any work I could find: I am an industrious creature, sir.
Aggressive, xenophobic, yet industrious small humanoid creatures, kobolds are noted for their skill at building traps and preparing ambushes.
The mouse that had filled the drawer with seed was not merely an industrious creature, it was also a patient, ingenious one that quite clearly had a plan.
There lives no more industrious creature than a bore.
Flowers still grew in dumps, and rocks ran in a straight line, probably bedded there by some industrious creatures in the dim past.