As the century progressed, gristmills, sawmills, logging and lumber became important industries, operated by water power from falls that drop 14 feet.
According to the Board's economics expert, Frank Jenkin, if the nuclear industry operated under the minimum rate of return on capital expected in the private sector (8 per cent), Hinkley C would be 'clearly less economic' than coal.
Gambling was then a criminal industry operated by bad people.
But economists say many of the troubles are due to the heavy and often inefficient Government involvement in the civilian economy, and in the problems of the socialist institutions like the industries operated by the Histradrut labor union and the cooperative farms known as kibbutzim, the power base of Mr. Peres's Labor Party.
No commercial facilities exist in the district; however, there is some light industry, typically operated from area residences.
In the past, many industries operated in Monteggio, including; brickworks, mills, hammer mills, fishing and a sawmill.
There is no formal industry apart from the Dikulushi Mine near Kilwa, the capital of Moero Sector, operated by Anvil Mining, an Australian company.
"In 1979, the Seminoles opened the first casino on Indian land, ushering in what has become a multibillion-dollar industry operated by numerous tribes nationwide."
Jeffrey Warren, a spokesman for the trade group, said the international industry operated under "an effective self-regulating code."