From 1978, when the industry peaked in Rhode Island, to 1996, the number of jewelry workers shrank to 13,500 from 32,500.
The industry peaked in the early 1890s.
The industry peaked in 1912 when it produced 8 billion yards of cloth.
The industry peaked in 1978, when sales per square foot of retail space averaged $197 a year, according to Management Horizons.
Mr. Berquist said the industry peaked in 1997 with about $35 billion in revenue.
Wine sales have still not matched those of 1984, when the industry peaked, Mr. Fredrikson said.
The industry peaked in the late 1920-30s.
Worcester's Gloving industry peaked between 1790 to 1820 when about 30,000 were employed by 150 companies.
The industry peaked that year when it produced 8 billion yards of cloth.
Animal rights groups are quick to note that fur sales remaining sharply below 1980's levels, when the industry peaked at $1.8 billion in sales.