Other industries will not rebound even when the overall economy improves.
Although the industry has rebounded, the government recognizes the continuing need for upgrading the sector in the face of stiff international competition.
After several years of depressed demand, the industry rebounded around the turn of the century.
Although the overall boating industry is rebounding, Southern California has been slow to respond.
The industry rebounded in the late 1980's; manufacturers sold 263 new jets last year, compared with 182 in 1987.
The industry rebounded last year from a dismal 1988, and 1990 looks promising because prices for most products are strong.
Executives of the natural gas producers are generally optimistic that their industry will rebound.
The move comes as the industry rebounds from heavy losses from the September attacks, a development that may inflate the price.
By the mid-1970s, the industry had rebounded and a significant philosophical shift was in progress.
In a cyclical market the Brazilian industry may rebound.