The software assists in the management of content, with regulatory compliance and industry specific requirements.
Other circuit simulators have since added many analyses beyond those in SPICE2 to address changing industry requirements.
This completely voluntary registry would constantly be updated and validated by a third party to reflect evolving industry requirements.
To achieve this, each type of industry was subsequently reviewed to see how many factories Germany required under these minimum level of industry requirements.
A special syllabus is planned keeping in view the industry requirements and constraints of regular syllabus.
There are distinct industry requirements which need to be managed within the software, with Utilization one of the most important.
The problem with this traditional methodology of learning is that there is no close relationship with industry requirements.
The geometry, thickness, and size of the guard plates, as well as the base fabric, vary depending on industry requirements.
It is an industry requirement, but not a legal requirement.
In addition, she supported the redesign of all 1200 undergraduate courses in the curriculum to create learning outcomes mapped to industry requirements.