They use the inedible parts of the plant to make their ropes, nets, and clothing.
That does not mean that the inedible parts of the animal have to go to waste, however.
A creature which discarded the inedible parts of its prey in separate fragments, without order of position, without selection.
The exception being with ritual feasts including meat, where the inedible parts of the animal are often burned as offerings while the community eats the rest.
The brand of firelighters I buy are made of 100% compressed plant matter, mostly the inedible parts of cereal crops.
It is believed the meat was the remains of his victims, their bones and other inedible parts being thrown into the river.
Sometimes that means all the things you forgot, like gristle, bone, inedible parts, but there's a mystique to it.
Then each slave sliced open his delicacy, swiftly removing the intestines, feet, and other inedible parts.
The burial had been unearthed, the tasty pieces of treasure consumed, the inedible parts strewn around.
Cellulosic ethanol is a biofuel produced from wood, grasses, or the inedible parts of plants.