His extraordinary achievements, coupled with his own ineffable sense of destiny and the flattery of his companions, may have combined to produce this effect.
There was an ineffable sense of sadness in this place.
But rain drove against the windows, there was a roaring fire and an ineffable sense of well-being.
They separate the community, contributing to the ineffable sense that something familiar and precious about the ethos of the island is disappearing.
It speaks well of the current condition of a venerable museum, adding an ineffable sense of contemporary vitality to an exhibition already brimming with the vitality of earlier times.
Sometimes political campaigns conclude with cliff-hanging anticipation, an ineffable sense of political drama that seems to beg, beg for a recount.
Mr. Wooldridge said he was drawn to Ms. Singh because of an ineffable sense of having known her already.
When the coyotes did not reappear, an ineffable sense of loss overcame her.
Yet by the evening's end, a wondering, ineffable sense of symmetry has emerged, a wry but reverent feeling for the patterns shaped by time.
Hints of lightness remained with him, buoyed by an ineffable sense of opportunity.