Besides, what treasure would Daudell, an ineffectual though well-connected man, have amassed?
Nott-Bower was regarded by many of his officers as a pleasant but ineffectual man.
He was an ineffectual man who came off dangerous at first reading.
Or is it simply a case of self-pity and self-indulgence getting the better of a sweet but ineffectual man?
Against Hibs, they hoofed balls up to the ineffectual front men.
Dr. Berenford's voice sounded like the misery of an ineffectual old man.
Tom醩 would not understand the words, but he would be quick to notice if a foreigner was an ineffectual man.
Henry recalled Walker as "a shy, retiring, ineffectual little man with a genuine enthusiasm for teaching".
He is a rather ineffectual man, who refuses to exercise his authority as a father and husband.
They ignored me, an ineffectual looking white-haired man.