They were not allowed to purchase their farms for fear that they would fall back into inefficient practices not guided by RA and FSA experts.
This inefficient practice is paid for by the EU taxpayers.
The U.M.W.A. contract imposes archaic, inefficient practices and impediments.
Mr. Ban would also take over an organization reeling from criticism over mismanagement of the oil-for-food program in Iraq, reported sexual misconduct by peacekeepers and accusations of opaque and inefficient financial practices.
This would free them from the time-consuming task of raising money and the inefficient, as well as dangerous, practice of courting wealthy constituents.
Farmers quickly abandoned traditional, inefficient practices for modern new methods, including use of new fertilizers and new tools.
Administration officials say they would rather rely on the marketplace to weed out inefficient practices.
In practice, government budgeting or public budgeting is substantially more complicated and often results in inefficient practices.
A Pledge on Productivity But over the years the Government, eager to achieve union peace at any cost, allowed featherbedding and other inefficient practices to become enshrined in labor contracts, plant managers say.
Disruptive technology tears down inefficient practices and creates new, more efficient practices.