But the French armies proved too strong, and the allied leadership too inept, and the allies were defeated.
But there was indeed a noble cause, our inept leadership notwithstanding.
It believed the country's problems stemmed from inept leadership, and believed it could solve them if it took power.
However, inept financial and academic leadership drove it to almost financial ruin.
The campaign was a failure, doomed by poor planning in London and inept leadership in the field.
The traditional oligarchy was discredited because of its inept civilian and military leadership in the war.
His inept leadership allowed Fritz Raweneck to take yet another castle.
This system can (and in the books has) produce inept or otherwise unsatisfactory leadership.
She says Baltar's inept leadership and New Caprica's terrain would have made it too difficult.
After the Duke lost his position due to his inept leadership in this new war, Morier's career went into decline.