It operated from 1960 to 1990, accepting domestic, commercial, non-hazardous industrial, inert and asbestos waste.
The tax applies to active and inert waste, disposed of at a licensed landfill site.
Landfill tax for some inert or inactive wastes is £2.50 per tonne.
Locally produced inert waste is sent to landfill for disposal.
I should also like to mention inert non-hazardous waste.
There were some, though - particularly the extension of the scope to inert waste - which I felt were misguided.
We also support the amendment to the effect that disposal facilities for inert waste should also be covered by the provisions on serious accidents.
Furthermore, it places hazardous waste on the same footing as inert waste.
If your site will accept inert waste, you will need to assess stability risks.
Locally produced inert waste for disposal is sent to landfill in the south of Croydon.