Meeting those alien eyes, Simeon had the inescapable feeling that he was making a fool of himself.
Brandy had the inescapable feeling that Scottish was a far different language from the King's English.
Sometimes the pent-up urban summer is a study in restlessness, of that inescapable feeling of being where one should not be, powerless to get out.
The inescapable feeling is that we know them now, too.
And he had the inescapable feeling that something else was keeping the shadow, whatever the shadow represented, from forcing its way in.
There was an inescapable feeling of being stuck in time.
People living in too-close quarters find themselves squabbling, and yet, despite all the community, they are afflicted with an inescapable feeling of separateness.
It is the pervasive, inescapable feeling of being unfree.
Floating slowly up for a closer look, there was an inescapable feeling of entering a pirates' lair.
What also gives this extraordinary building new significance is the inescapable feeling that it was built at just the right time.