What is more, they accept that violence and decay are an inescapable part of urban existence.
Freedom of the press is an inescapable part of the bargain.
He was another casualty of the one inescapable part of war: death.
Furthermore, stress is simply an inescapable part of life.
Pain was an inescapable part of the maturation process, a necessary step toward the great goal.
I once thought this an inescapable part of my personality.
What makes the entire subject so emotional is the fact that organization is an inescapable part of all our lives.
"You don't necessarily make great history doing this, but it's an inescapable part of the system."
The result is this huge professional military in the Middle East who talk about being there as an inescapable part of a pretty good job.
Death seemed an inescapable part of this kind of strength.