An inescapable trap.
Was the gold stolen, and then put back again, to set up an inescapable trap?
By the third film, Amanda is depicted as ignoring Jigsaw's modus operandi by creating inescapable traps that kill the subject regardless of whether or not they solve the test correctly.
Teja is introduced to the concept of the inescapable trap of 'karma' by a fake god-man Swamiji (Raghu Babu), in the local bar.
I myself could have devised an absolutely inescapable trap, and I am sure that our adversaries have done that.
Hephaestus sets up an inescapable trap over his bed.
For me the tragedy of Satan is that he has in depth knowledge of himself and he knows he is caught in an inescapable trap.
His mount had stumbled and panicked and, as it had swerved hysterically, his booted foot caught the edge of the metal stirrup, twisted sideways, an inescapable trap.
Only Bolan remained, and he was wondering if the place might not turn out to be an inescapable trap for a lone defender.
Players must take care in acquiring certain items over the course of the journey, lest they be stymied by an inescapable trap.