High-speed discomfort is an almost inevitable by-product of a vintage bike, because they didn't do high speeds.
Waste, for them, is an inevitable by-product of worship.
While it might not be the reason we head out the door and cross oceans, it is an almost inevitable by-product.
The inevitable by-product of this stability is the understanding that develops between certain team-mates.
Plutonium is a unique and inevitable by-product of nuclear fission.
It is possible that the entire animal kingdom is the inevitable by-product of the process.
The warm organic scent of horses and their inevitable by-products permeated the air as they approached the buildings.
But, more often than not, detailed bioanalyses demonstrated that life was an almost inevitable by-product of planetary development throughout the galaxy.
We wouldn't want to cancel any portion of our patient's vocabulary, which would seem an inevitable by-product of the treatment.