This made the aircraft very difficult to control, with a crash inevitable.
Starkey had been cruising on pills for ten days, and he was close to the inevitable crash.
The longer he survived, the faster the skimmer was going, making the inevitable crash that much more terrible when it finally came.
Coffee might help, but it would only postpone the inevitable crash.
Hoffman and Burns sat frozen, tensed for the inevitable crash.
The inevitable crash of disillusionment, when it came, would be violent indeed.
Stile saw her running up the steep slope, getting clear of the inevitable crash.
This is only going to get more polarised as time draws on to the inevitable crash.
Articles in Forbes magazine urged readers to get out of the stock market to avoid the inevitable crash.
A few mornings later, the men awoke at their nearby camp to find that the plane had flown itself 800m to an inevitable crash.